Friday, June 10, 2011


Our family has entered a season of calm that we have longed for.  

Months of discomfort and struggle for our girl have finally quieted and she is-- happy.  I can't begin to describe the longing we have had for her to experience peace in her body.  The nights of tearful prayer pleading with our heavenly Father for an answer.

Now we find ourselves in this strange and wonderful place!  Our little girl is comfortable... and peaceful.   She is sleeping and playing again.  She is tolerating her feedings again.

Psalm 145:17-19

"The LORD is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.  The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.  He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them."

This has been our prayer for Abby.

He is faithful and has answered this request for her.  Praise Him!

I have treasured some music that has ministered to my heart during seasons of struggle.  From a heavy heart I heard the Lord speak to me of His promises and His love for Abby.


I am waiting for the rescue 

that I know is sure to come, 
cuz You are faithful. 
Yes You are faithful. 
I've dropped anchor in Your promises, 
and I am holding on, 
cuz You are faithful. 
God You are faithful. 

I will proclaim it to the world. 
I will declare it to my heart 
And sing it when the sun is shining. 
I will scream it in the dark. 

You are faithful! 

Though I cannot have the answer 

that I'm wanting to demand, 
I'll remember You are God 
and everything is in Your hand. 
In Your hands you hold the sun, the moon, 
the stars up in the sky, 
for the sake of Love, You hung Your own Son 
on the die... 

You are faithful...
Yes, You are faithful...
When you give and when You take away,
even then, great is Your faithfulness!
Great is Your faithfulness! 

(top photo courtesy of-

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