The purpose of our journey never changed though...
There is one less orphan in the world. Li Rui Chen is now our son forever! And he has a new name. He is a Hull boy.
God took me into His forever family 30 years ago! Not because I deserved it, not because I was good or cute. But because I was created in His image and I asked Him to come into my heart and to be my Lord and savior. I became a new creation. I received a new name! I became part of a new family...
Some day we will have some difficult conversations with Jack Nathan about his past. The why's and the how's of his life. He will have questions we won't be able to answer. But I can't wait to tell him about the Love of our God! How He orchestrated for us to be a family. And How much He loves my new boy!
So thankful this season... For so many, many reasons.
Happy Thanksgiving!