Sunday, December 6, 2009


I forgot to mention the last bit of excitement from Thanksgiving weekend!

Abby's feeding tube got pulled out, just hours before we were planning on driving home.  This one lasted about 3 months, so I suppose it was about time for this to happen.  Unfortunately this time we didn't have a backup G-tube with us (normally we keep one in the car).  Instead we had to place a foley catheter to keep her site open until we could get home.  It was a little awkward and uncomfortable for her, but it worked ok for feeds.

This past week we spent the entire Tuesday afternoon at the hospital preparing to have her 6th G-J tube placed.  

This has become a farely routine procedure for us, not usually too much drama.  But this time a different doc was taking her case, and he wasn't familiar with Abby.  This meant that there was several hours of waiting, and discussions about possibly needing to sedate her for the procedure.  UGH.

Meanwhile, Patrick waited and walked J and L around the hospital, hopeful that it would be a quick visit.  We finally ended up together in her room while we waited, after being told children were not allowed back.  ha

Just a little drama to end our weekend.  It wouldn't be the same with out some, right?

1 comment:

gracie :) said...

Wow, I hadn't heard about all the excitement. I'm sorry Miss Abby had to go through all of this yet again. Hope you guys had a restful weekend! I think we're just about on our feet again.