Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A First

Well, as we've learned with Abby there is always a first for everything.  Just when you think you've got it all figured out you get smacked in the head by something new.

Abby has her first G-tube site infection.  

This past week has been very difficult with Abby's behavior.  Several days she did nothing but bite her fingers, moan and thrash about.  Nothing seemed to sooth her, and many days she would simply exhaust herself from it all.  

We couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.  Finally Thursday night we noticed her G-tube site didn't look good.  It was red, swollen and had a big knot.  We took her into the doctor the next day to have it checked out.  

(I have to confess that my pride was hit hard... Abby's site has never had any problems that I couldn't fix.)

It was definitely infected!  He had to drain it (yuk) which was very painful, and collect samples for culture.  We found out yesterday that it grew H. Influenza A, and a few other things.  We originally thought it was a staph infection.

Apparently, after talking with our doc, this is pretty unusual.  She is on oral and topical antibiotics and after 6 days it is looking MUCH better.  She is a different kid.  Monday was still tough, but by Tuesday she was back to her pleasant self.

One thing we've come away with from this week is that her 'finger biting behavior' is telling us "Something Hurts"!  Figuring out what hurts is our constant challenge.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I forgot to mention the last bit of excitement from Thanksgiving weekend!

Abby's feeding tube got pulled out, just hours before we were planning on driving home.  This one lasted about 3 months, so I suppose it was about time for this to happen.  Unfortunately this time we didn't have a backup G-tube with us (normally we keep one in the car).  Instead we had to place a foley catheter to keep her site open until we could get home.  It was a little awkward and uncomfortable for her, but it worked ok for feeds.

This past week we spent the entire Tuesday afternoon at the hospital preparing to have her 6th G-J tube placed.  

This has become a farely routine procedure for us, not usually too much drama.  But this time a different doc was taking her case, and he wasn't familiar with Abby.  This meant that there was several hours of waiting, and discussions about possibly needing to sedate her for the procedure.  UGH.

Meanwhile, Patrick waited and walked J and L around the hospital, hopeful that it would be a quick visit.  We finally ended up together in her room while we waited, after being told children were not allowed back.  ha

Just a little drama to end our weekend.  It wouldn't be the same with out some, right?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving fun

Our time with family in TN was full of fun!  Grandma and Papa had several activities planned for the kids in addition to a wonderful meal.  We made gingerbread houses, ate lots of candy and made some sweet memories. 

The kids received a special gift:  lovingly made Christmas outfits from Grandma!

As is customary on Thanksgiving day, we ate and ate and ate.  Two special meals filled our day.  We headed over to Nan's (Mom and Dad's place) for a get together of the Job family.  The kids played together and we all went for a much needed, post stuffing walk with Pipai!  It was wonderful getting to hug Dad's neck.

Friday we met in Knoxville to attend the Fantasy of Trees event, a fundraiser for East TN Children's Hospital.  It was a beautiful display of brightly lit trees, colorful gingerbread houses and creative craft booths.  Josiah's favorite was the bike corner.  They had little cars and scooters for the preschoolers to enjoy.  

We have been before, but this time it was more fun getting to watch J and his cousins Anna, Norah and Jack playing together.  It is a special event for us, knowing that all the proceeds go towards helping Children's Hospital.  

We put our tree up this week, and as we decorated I counted at least 4 ornaments that came from past Fantasy of Trees benefits.  I think this will become a family, Christmas tradition!